28 September 2018
Construction commences on the upgrade of our Oran Park Public School and new Oran Park High School
The NSW Department of Education have advised that contractors have now occupied the site and have commenced site establishment works on both sites. This includes the erection of fencing and hoarding, with site sheds in place ready for construction works to commence from 1 October 2018.
Commencement works at the public school will include:
Commencement works at the new high school will include:
Demolition works will take place outside of school hours. Regular works will take place from Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm and Saturdays from 8am to 1pm. No night works are scheduled for this project.
Separation hoardings will be in place to minimise noise and dust. All works will be isolated from the public, school students and staff.
See notices from NSW Department of Education for more information. Enquiries can be directed to schoolinfrastructure@det.nsw.edu.au or 1300 482 651.