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Live Community News Construction Update

27 September 2017

Construction update for residents in the vicinity of Perkins Drive

We are undertaking earthworks on the Southern side of Kolombo Creek until the end of the year. Construction work is likely to re-commence mid-year in 2018. While this work is going on you will notice more truck movements than normal. These works have created a lot of dust in the vicinity of Perkins Drive and Peter Brock Drive. We will continue to use water trucks to settle the dust, but we understand that on hot windy days it we can’t eliminate all dust. A long run of dry weather has contributed to this problem

Despite our best efforts, a second entry point to the construction site, away from residents will not be possible. Further the amount of earthmoving equipment using the construction roads doesn’t make it possible to seal the road inside the construction site. We will continue to sweep Peter Brock Drive daily and water blast it weekly to keep the road as clean as possible.

Earthmoving machinery can only be moved on NSW roads as over sized loads at night. We will minimise all after-hours movements of machinery and will ensure future loading and unloading occurs as far away from residents as possible.

If you encounter any difficulties during this work, you’re always welcome to contact the Oran Park Town Sales Office on 9043 7500

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