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Live Community News Employment Zone Update

11 March 2021

Oran Park held a community update on 2 March. One of the topics discussed was the Employment Zone and the proposed uses including McDonalds, self-storage units, truck sales yard and workshop, a second tavern, service station, KFC as well as two other fast foods outlets, bulky goods retailers and concrete batching plant. Following that meeting it has come to our attention some residents have raised concerns with regard to the potential concrete batching plant that was mentioned.

The employment land is currently under development and one of the proposed lots has been sold to a local concrete operator. The operator has not prepared a DA at this stage.

The Employment Zone has an IN1 (light industrial) zoning which is suitable for this type of use. The concrete batch station is proposed to be located in the centre of the Employment Zone with smaller industrial uses surrounding it, creating a buffer around these types of uses. The site is about 500m away from Oran Park Public School.

For anyone not familiar with the functions of a concrete batching station, it’s a place where raw materials such as gravel, sand and cement are mixed together on site to form concrete for ease of local distribution via concrete trucks. The processing of concrete is very suitable for this light industrial zoning. There is no manufacturing of materials.

The roads in the employment land are much wider and stronger to cater for truck movement. Large truck movement ( such as double bogeys) will be confined to the employment area and main roads.

Concrete batch stations are not hazardous but potential noise and dust need to be managed. The management and mitigation of these issues will be dealt through the DA process. The operation of the batch station including operating hours will be subject to DA conditions.

Residents will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposal once it has been prepared as part of the DA process.

For further enquiries, please contact the Sales Office on 9043 7500.

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