18 November 2022
We advise that works will be taking place on the site of the future sportsfield adjacent to Barramurra Public School.
Works will commence Thursday 24 November 2022 and are expected to be complete by February 2023 (weather permitting).
During these works, a section of the footpath on O’Keefe Drive near the roundabout will be closed to pedestrians to enable works to be carried out safely. Pedestrians travelling on the eastern footpath will need to cross over to the western side of O’Keefe Drive.
As a result of these works, minor delays may be experienced, however traffic management will be in place to keep this to a minimum.
To minimise disruption during school drop off and pick up times, truck movements will be kept to a minimum during these times.
For enquiries please contact the Oran Park Sales Office on 9043 7500.