13 May 2020
In October 2018 we lodged a proposal with Camden Council for the extension of Oran Park Podium (Stage 2).
At this time, community information sessions were held and residents were provided with detailed information on the proposal. A copy of the Community Update presentation from October 2018 is provided below.
The proposal included:
Figure 1: Uses and Stages.
Figure 2: Site north elevation.
The DA for Oran Park Podium Stage 2 was placed on public exhibition and was considered by Council and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) who are both supportive of the proposal.
In order to implement the original DA, a formal change to the zoning is required and this is currently on public exhibition. This is all part of the planning system process and follows on from the community information briefings we held from October to December 2018.
We have been advised by Camden Council that the planning proposal to increase the permissible height for the apartment building, associated with Oran Park Podium Stage 2, will be exhibited for public comment from 4 May 2020 to 15 June 2020. Please refer to the end of this news item for details of the exhibition.
If approved, the planning proposal will permit the construction of Podium Stage 2 as presented to residents in late 2018.
This process has also necessitated the re-exhibition of part of the original DA being the 12 storey apartment building as a separate DA. This will also go on exhibition in the coming 2-3 weeks.
To alleviate any concerns about access to public space, we have also offered to Council to provide an extra park. This is in addition to the landscaped communal garden already being provided as part of the residential building. As such, pending approval of Podium Stage 2, a portion of the temporary park opposite the Sales and Information Centre (corner of Oran Park Drive and Peter Brock Drive) will be converted to a permanent park. The permanent park will measure 3,000m2.
As part of this process we have also offered to have some of the elements within the park upgraded to make it suitable for use as a permanent park. The balance of the temporary park site (approximately 1,750m2, located towards Great Beginnings Child Care Centre), will still be used for medium density development, as originally planned.
Figure 3: Concept design looking east towards Great Beginnings Child Care Centre
Figure 4: Detail of proposed medium density and park
Figure 5: Concept design superimposed over aerial photo
The dedication of extra open space will require an amendment to the Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA), which will involve a similar process recently undertaken for changes to the Leisure Centre site.
The original VPA was entered into in 2011, but over time amendments are necessary to allow for improvements to be made to the original plan, such as the inclusion of another park.
The VPA (Amendment No. 3) will be exhibited for public review and comment at the same time as the planning proposal.
The Department of Planning zoning change is a key component to building Oran Park Podium Stage 2 and we are working towards finalising approvals and fast tracking commencement of construction to enable us to commence work in September this year. This is a significant building project and will take 2 years to complete.
The Oran Park Town Planning Proposal and Draft Third Amendment to the Oran Park Planning Agreement will be on exhibition from 4 May to 15 June 2020 and can be viewed on Council’s website www.camden.nsw.gov.au/council/matters-on-exhibition/
If you want any further information or have any queries, please contact our office on 9043 7500. Your enquiry will be dealt with by one of our development staff and we encourage you do this.
If you wish to make a submission on any of the proposals, submissions may be emailed to Camden Council at mail@camden.nsw.gov.au or alternatively in writing addressed to the General Manager (attention of Deaelle), Camden Council, PO Box 183, Camden NSW 2570. Submissions must be received by close of business on Monday 15 June 2020.
Please note that in accordance with safety measures implemented by Camden Council to avoid the spread of COVID-19, physical copies of the exhibition package will no longer be displayed at Council Libraries and Oran Park Administration Building.
We are also arranging our usual community update meeting and we will attempt to do this online on Tuesday 26 May which will provide us with an opportunity to provide information on the current exhibitions. Residents will be provided with meeting details soon.
For enquiries, please contact the Sales and Information Centre on 9043 7500.