22 November 2017
Last year Greenfields Development Company sought support from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to start the rezoning process for the precinct directly to the North of the already-zoned part of Oran Park Town. Last week Camden Council endorsed the lodgement of a submission to the Department which starts the rezoning process. This is the first phase of a long process which starts with various studies and some early planning.
The release area in question is referred to as Pondicherry. This was the name of the farm originally on part of this land. The release name has no bearing on the name of the locality. For example, Gregory Hills was referred to as the Turner Road Precinct. This release area will be a part of the suburb Oran Park. Further release areas after this may have different suburb names.
Formal rezoning may take about a year, and possibly longer. Development Applications can’t be submitted until the rezoning is finalised. Earthworks can only commence after this, likely to be 2-3 years. The rezoning process will consider the following issues:
If you have any further questions you’re welcome to contact us at the Oran Park Town Sales Centre on 9043 7500. Please remember this is still in the very early stages, so we simply won’t be at the details stage for quite some time.